SupportImmigrant Youth!

For almost 25 years, Wise Up! Youth Leadership Development & Education Program has been CHIRLA's empowerment and college access program for immigrant high school youth organizing in Los Angeles and across the State of California. 

The Wise Up! Program advances educational opportunities for under-served  immigrant youth—particularly undocumented students.

Each year, CHIRLA awards scholarships to all graduating seniors. Invest in their future by making a gift today!

"By joining Wise Up!, I found a way to educate myself, and others about the issues that impact our daily lives. I'm so grateful for the scholarship that CHIRLA was able to provide, with that money I was able to buy the required textbook access I'll be using for my lower-division courses at UCLA. It’s an aid that has gotten me closer to my degree.” – Jaqueline Luis, UCLA Freshman

As one of the few dedicated student-led groups focused on immigrant rights and advancing higher education, WiseUp! offers a place for immigrant students to discuss critical issues in a way that encourages them to take action and help develop their leadership skills using their own voice!

Every student takes part of:

  • 4-day college tour visiting universities throughout California
  • A 7-week unpaid summer internship
  • Application assistance, including college application support, California Dream Act forms and financial aid forms
  • Alumni support through California Dream Network
  • Know your right workshops

Give ByMail

Checks can be sent to:

c/o Development
2533 West Third Street, Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA 90057

Give withConfidence

CHIRLA is a nonprofit organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our EIN number is 95-4421521.

Do You HaveQuestions?

Contact Julio Martinez, Director of Development, at or call 213-544-2051.